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We want our employees to be committed to their work, to customers, and suppliers, and in the process, building trust into the Fuji SMBE brand.



Our employees must adopt a learning attitude in order to build expertise and knowledge. We have to learn to continually improve, and avoid being complacent.



We are dedicated to building an environment where employees can grow along with the Company, continually regenerate, and achieve excellence for ourselves.

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Message of the Day
  • Hutan lebat banyak tentara
    Bawa bedil berbahan baja
    Buat sahabat se-Fuji SMBE Indonesia
    Selamat pagi, semangat kerja

  • Rumput liar tumbuh merambat
    Daunnya coklat terlihat pucat
    Kalau kerja sering terlambat
    Bisa-bisa nanti dipecat

  • Jalan-jalan ke rumah Agus
    Jangan lupa bawa benang
    Kalau kerjamu bagus
    Pasti atasanmu akan senang

  • Mana ujung mana pangkal
    Tali panjang untuk mengukur
    Berangkat kerja dengan tawakal
    Pulang ke rumah kita bersyukur